Sunday, 28 October 2012

Zone Zero Zero

In Permaculture they talk about ‘Zones’ referring to zones of activity, from zone 5 to zone 00  for example Zone 5 would be a zone that is not used or visited very often such as wild land surrounding a farm, zone 4 might be an area that is used to grow long term materials, building timber for example. Zone 3 might have some cattle etc ect, Zone 0 is the home, the place that see’s most of the day’s activity . This categorization is a useful, practical tool used in Permaculture design in order to help organise a piece of land efficiently. The most important zone it could be said however is zone 00; your mind, thought, consciousness. Without a change in zone 00, nothing happens . In these times of change this Hippie talk of consciousness is becoming a common topic, as more and more people are becoming aware that their reality is somehow not right; there is something wrong, a disconnection, a misalignment.

Last week I met up with a friend  who is studying and exploring the world of Shamanic medicine, I was invited to spend a few days on a beautiful piece of land belonging to a practicing ‘neo shaman’ a few hours south of Bogota .  During these days I was invited to take part in a traditional native American ceremony centred around a medicine named Ayahausca, In combination with another plant called Mimosa,  when these two plants are combined a chemical is released named DMT . That this discovery ever happened is a mystery, the process is very complex and was unlikely stumbled upon by pure coincidence , many indigenous Amazonian people say that these instructions were received directly from the spirits of the plants themselves . DMT is a chemical found in many species of flora and fauna, including us , it is found in the Pineal gland , in the centre of our brains . It is thought to be the chemical that is responsible for our dreams; It is also thought that this chemical is released in larger quantities at birth and at Death. It has been used as medicine in many indigenous cultures all over the world for thousands of generations and It is quite possible that the discovery of medicines such as this one may have been responsible for rapid growth spurts in the evolution of the human brain . The Ayahuasca is very difficult for the human system to digest and is very common for it to induce vomiting during the experience, many cultures believe this is an important part of the process as it symbolises a release of negative emotions and energy built up over the period of one’s life. It has positive effects both physically, by cleansing and detoxifying the body and mentally, by cleansing and detoxifying the mind .  There are no known long term effects from this substance . In the west DMT is categorized  as a class A drug, essentially you are experiencing this substance every night when you sleep, It is obviously not dangerous, or addictive, it makes absolutely no sense that this should be illegal. Except maybe to prevent the general public from a spiritual awakening and rebellion to this complex system of slavery we are all unwittingly trapped in.

I don’t think I am capable of effectively describing my experience with this medicine in words, even if I could conjure up every word in existence from every language under the sun I would have a hard time . Some words given to me before taking the medicine resonated with me during my experience and do a good job of describing the purpose of this medicine; from the time we are born we are being conditioned, conditioned by our parents, by society, by religion, TV, magazines... Everything . We develop certain methods for coping with situations based on this conditioning, which become reactionary and habitual and prevent us from seeing and experiencing things how they truly are . Right now your conditioning is probably telling you that everything I am saying is a bunch of hippie nonsense and you are probably reacting with denial. This ancient medicine helps to break this conditioning and helps you to see everything a new, allows you to react purely . A necessary process for the evolution of the human consciousness, something that many people are trying to achieve through many different methods and this is just one of those methods. Anyhow my experience certainly had a positive effect.

a waterfall on the land
When the medicine kicked in I started feeling an intense admiration for everything, at first I noticed a blade of grass, as if I had never seen it before, my vision was impressively sharp, like I was viewing life in super high definition. The way the light interacted with the fibres on the blade was infinitely beautiful, and filled me with absolute awe. After an indeterminable amount of time a beetle crossed the path of my vision, my heart almost stopped, I felt so privileged to witness such beauty,  the array of colours reflecting from its back were infinite and reflected all of existence back into my eyes. It’s easy to say such things but I don’t know how to describe how genuine these feelings really were . For hours I experienced reality as if I had never before , I could talk for ever in detail of the whole afternoon and everything I saw and experienced but I will bore the hell out of you I’m sure . In conclusion, what needs to be said is this; I felt more connected to nature than ever before, I was made of the same fabric and I was only experiencing myself in a different form, I felt overwhelming love for everything, every plant, every creature, every sensation. I even watched lovingly as a mosquito bit me, I admired the mark it left behind, and the sensation I received from it . Everything was new to me, as a child does, I could react to everything with a fresh thought process, without prejudice, without preconceptions, without any of those reactions caused by my 24 years of conditioning . In essence I was experiencing life in its purest form, no hallucinations, just reality but from a pure perspective. It was beautiful.

If we are to elevate our collective consciousness we need to break our conditioning, we need to unlearn rather than learn and this kind of thing is a very effective tool in order to experience what that actually means.

Until next time!

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Yet another post about building a Bike.

Bogota from the Monserrate (a big church up a mountain)
 Hola Amigos!

Yet another post about building a bicycle, So far this blog has been exclusively about the building of bicycles, If you’re getting bored please bear with me, I assure you I will leave very soon and write about something more interesting but for now I will be mostly writing about building my second and (hope to god, Krishna, Buddha and all those other ones) final bike.

I am still here in the sprawling concrete jungle they call Bogota working on my Spanish, leading a fairly quiet existence, and enjoying a few home comforts such as a bed and the use of a kitchen. But the novelty of such things is starting to wear off and I am excited to get back out on the road. This has probably been the longest time I have ever spent in such a big city, if it wasn't for the fact that I am learning a new language I could never have stayed so long. When you are learning a new language everything becomes interesting again. It doesn't matter if I am speaking with a chartered accountant or a philosopher, in both cases I am clinging on to every word and trying to decode it, everything is fun because half the time I have no idea what's going on. Sometimes It’s like being a kid again and trying to understand the financial times, just doesn't make any sense, to be honest it probably wouldn't make any sense to me now either so that’s a poor analogy. Its like being a kid and trying to understand Einstein's theory of relativity, actually that doesnt make a whole load of sense to me either , i'll give up with the analogy's. Its hard. Anyway I am itching to leave the city, pining for the fields, “just cant wait to get on the road again”.
a pile of stuff

I am back on track to leave at the end of the month after the robbery of my ex-bike a few weeks ago. I have been selling my skills as an English teacher, I moved to a cheaper room, my indigogo campaign ( is going well, (Thank you to everybody who has been involved, It is so moving to know that people care and are interested in my ridiculous pursuits), and I have built a new bike.

Last week was spent scouring the numerous bicicleterias in the city in search of second hand parts. My method was rather backwards I must admit, I visited each store countless times, each time in search for something different. I probably returned to every store a dozen times, often not purchasing anything. After a few days and a shed load of walking I had everything I needed.  Found a simple steel hard tail mountain bike frame, wheels, handle bars and forks second hand and everything else was bought new. 

a pile of stuff made into a bike
I returned to the same bicicleteria as last time to build the thing, they found it rather amusing that the funny looking gringo was back to build another bike, and like everyone else they were persistent in reminding me, whilst seemingly holding back mocking fits of laughter, that I need to take more care with the bike and always lock it up, which would have been very useful advice previously but now I am very well aware of that risk and don’t need reminding so much, it almost hurts my feelings a little when I am.
welding on the lugs

Putting everything together was fairly simple. I have some recent experience. So within a day it was ready to ride home. The only trouble I had was that the frame was too narrow to accommodate the copious amount of gears on the rear axle, so I had to smack it a few times with a mallet to widen it a little. The benefits of a steel frame.  

lugs welded on
On my previous bike I had some very fancy integrated brake and gear leavers, but this time around I couldn't get such a good deal on them and I didn’t feel like spending £100 on some new ones so I searched far and wide for some little steel lugs to weld to my frame so I could use the old school style frame mounted gear shifters, after asking the same question in about 50 different shops I found some. My Spanish is almost fluent on the subject of bicycle repair now, sadly not much else.
I paid somebody a few quid to weld them on to my frame and repainted over them, I guess you could say I now have a custom made frame. Proper fancy.

Red handle bars as an ode to its preprocessor
 Here is the thing pretty much ready to go. The day after I completed building it I decided to put it through a durability test and smashed it full speed into a taxi, wrecked the tyre and the inner tube, bent the forks back a little into the frame and bent the rear derailer in a bit but apart from that it passed. I had been fiddling with my front wheel and forgot to re attach the brakes so when I came to a road I couldn't stop and consequently became very intimate with a taxi, I was fine, could have been much worse. (dont worry Mum and Dad I am now seriously considering insurance)
The way I look at it is that I am learning some very valuable lessons here in Bogotá which may prevent disasters down the line, I am providing a service really, others can learn from my mistakes; Never take your hands off your things in Bogotá unless you want them robbed and never fiddle with your brakes, forget to re attach them and then smash into taxis.
To be honest, with this track record It will be a miracle if I manage to leave the city, let alone the country. but have faith people it will happen.

bent forks, (its worse than it looks)

The damage wasn't so bad after all, I had to replace the tyre and inner tube, I managed to bend the rear de-railer mount on the frame back into place but had to buy new forks, they only cost £5 so its not going stunt my progress.

And that's all for now

Take care all
I promise these posts will become more interesting, once I have something more interesting to talk about